The theme this week for this conference is "The Art of Movements." Not just having one new church but a movement where many churches are birthed.

The first speaker this morning is from Korea and is part of a movement there that began with a church, Onnuri Community Church in Seoul of 12 members and is expanding from the 53,000 members there now to planting churches globally. His name is Mark Choi and he was on the staff of this big church.

29% of Koreans today are Christians. Korea is #2 in sending missionaries. U.S.A. is #1

Marc planted a church in New York City 3 years ago called "in2 Church."

Marc spoke of 3 movements/principles for Christians. 1) Daily Quiet Time 2) One-to-one discipleship. 3) Small group.

They have weekend worship also, but people need to grow so they need these 3 principles.
