
Showing posts from February, 2004
A couple of weeks ago I decided it was finally time to go through my books and weed out those that I probably would not ever read or use again. Some of these were books that I had carted from Pennsylvania to Iowa and back and many locations in each state. These were good books. I threw away a few into the trash but most of them I boxed up to give to a friend who is in Seminary and who will be able to put many of them to good use. Some of them will go by the wayside to be gotten rid of by her and others will bring her new information, insight, and even some inspiration I suspect. But these books were doubled up on my shelves since I had arrived in Dover, Pa. a year and a half ago. I knew that I hadn't opened them in years and probably never would. So it was time to move them out. Less clutter...more space to find what would be helpful to me at this point in life. Along the way I found some old friends that I had read a long time ago and that I might read again. One