
Showing posts from November, 2007
Sometimes we can learn from the youngest people what we should have learned along the way already. Fortunately we are all in this together. Hope you enjoyed listening to this boy named Logan's phone call.
You never know what you will find when you look in the newspaper . Today I grabbed a paper to read as I sat down for lunch at McDonald's. I read through the front section and as I moved on in the paper I saw a picture of a friend who is starting a new church in York, PA. His name is Don Record and he is beginning actionchurch . Well, truthfully he is not beginning it, it has already begun. For the last year Don has been meeting people and reaching out to help people in various ways. This is the heart of actionchurch, to be a group of Christ followers who aren't content to sit around and talk religion. Actionchurch is named as it is to remind all of us that to follow Christ is a call to action. We all need to reach out and help someone. In the background of the picture is Dennis Hall, Pastor at Friendship Community Church where I work as Worship Pastor. Dennis and I met Don in Washington D.C. a few months back at a seminar. Now we are encouraged by Don and his desire to plant
This weekend I had the opportunity to preach at church. We took time to look at life as "The Amazing Race." Along the way, we spent time resting, praying, listening to God. This morning I came upon this video that reminded me that "The Amazing Race" is all around us and the question is, "What would you do?"
For the last few months I have been watching a new TV show called "Journeyman." In fact I have recorded all seven episodes to DVD. I had a feeling from the initial promos for it that I would like it so I started recording it from the beginning. I am glad I did. So why would I think I would like this show? Well, to begin with I have a confession to make to you. I have liked time travel stories since childhood. I don't know why, but the idea of traveling back through time has intrigued me for years. And yes, I did like "Quantum Leap" and catch it in reruns when I can. "Journeyman" is good not only because of the time travel but because of the relationships in the show. There is Dan the Journeyman's relationship with his brother. Some usual strains between brothers but also strained by something else...Dan married his brother's girlfriend. Yeah his brother, a police officer by the way, and the brother's girlfriend where already broken up but
In my job as worship pastor I get to look at a lot of video clips from a lot of sources. One of my favorite resources for videos (and I'm not just saying this because they are going to give me a free video...really I'm not) is I check them regularly because they have some really good videos...and once a month at least they put up one that is a free download...(hey, you can get it free too). This year we bought one to use at Easter called "Easter Then What." It is a takeoff on a YouTube type of video where someone sits in a room, turns on the camera and talks. It was really meaningful to hear him talk about how good it is to hear about the resurrection of Christ...but then what happens in our daily lives? What difference does it all make? A very valid and important question. Check out the video here and see what you think.
A few weeks back a group from church spent a weekend at Doubling Gap Center, our church camp in the mountains. On Saturday morning we awakened to fog in the trees and I snapped this picture. Like life, beauty arises after the storm and as the sun rises again. If only I could remember this in the middle of the storm. And you know what, there is beauty even in the middle of the storm as well.
It was only a few months ago that my two daughters, Rosie and Emily, returned from their summer mission trip to Mexico. While there they fell in love with the children in the migrant camp and town they went to while serving Jesus and making Him known in practical ways. Makes me wonder how I can do the same right where I live.