
Showing posts from May, 2004
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD , who has compassion on you. -Isaiah 54:10
It's my day off...which is a wonderful thing in itself. A day off from my "paid" work and a chance to do the work of restoration, relaxation, and re-creation. A good thing for all of us to do. God tells us to take the 7th day and not work but to dedicate and re-dedicate ourselves again to God [and we realize that the world will go on without our busyness]. We "rest" from our work and connect with God in a fresh way. In "The Journey" by Os Guiness there is a section called "A Time For Answers" which has some great thoughts to think about (throughout pages 116-118). So here are these thoughts for consideration in the process of taking at least a few "sabbath moments" today. C.S. Lewis was asked by an interviewer during World War II what he would think if the Germans got the atom bomb, dropped one on England, and he saw it falling right on top of him. "If you only had time for one last thought, what would it be?"