I'm in the "7 Moves to Multi-Site" seminar this afternoon in Orlando. Staff from Christian Community Church in Naperville, Indiana are sharing. Right now it is a section on "Reproducing Artists."

It is essential: 1) To show a need for artists. 2) To show a need for new artists. 3) To have multiple pipelines for recruiting. 4) To have outside resources. 5) To create an environment of recruiting. 6) That you recruit from all age groups. 7) That you follow up fast.

It is essential: 1) That you have strong leaders. 2) That you are apprenticing new artists. 3) That you have people shadowing in tech. 4) That you have a long range plan. 5) That you have your artists grouped.

In this seminar with me today are Dwight Lefever and Gilbert Thurston. Here's a picture of us.
