
Showing posts from December, 2020

Christmas Simplified.

As I was listening one day to the Acts of the Holy Spirit, some call it the book of Acts in the Bible, I was struck by how often the Holy Spirit does act and then we try to put what happens in a box. We try to categorize, clarify, and demystify something that is outside of all of that. In the process, we take the joy out of it. When those who knew Jesus and experienced the Holy Spirit shared that with others they simply told what had happened, what they had heard, what they had seen. Could it be that they trusted the Holy Spirit to make what they were saying real to the listener? They didn't complicate it. They knew they were sharing difficult teachings and experiences. They had seen and heard Jesus take what God was saying to him and share it with stories and what was going on right then. They were writing stories and poems and songs in a real sense. They were bringing into the open moments that only God would make real for others. They were painting pictures, making sculptures, d

Seeing Clearly. Sometimes.

Sometimes I think I see things very clearly. I wrestle with how to express what I see because I know that others don't see it the same way.  These days regardless of what someone shares there is someone else who is going to twist it. Someone who will turn it into whatever their own agenda is. It’s something all of us are capable of. I get that we see things differently. But don't assume that because we do that I am not a Christian. I really am bothered when some people call people of a different belief not a Christian. Next time you are ready to put something out there that says all ____ are not Christians please stop and look at my picture. I will look at yours. Christians see things differently without losing their faith. If you don't believe that then I just invite you to look at the Bible and see that people are Christians based on believing in and on the Lord Jesus Christ. All who call on His Name. Jesus didn't ask people to hate the Roman government. He didn't