
Showing posts from August, 2011

Craigslist and Planting New Churches in Raleigh, North Carolina

It's interesting how life is and how sometimes looking beyond takes you somewhere you haven't even visited yet.  For the past year or so I have been thinking about the Raleigh, North Carolina area even though I have never been there.  Heard about it, saw pictures of it, checked it out online, and believe that it would be a good area to spend time reaching people for Jesus who don't know Him yet. So how does one do that when you live someplace else and can't just drop into Raleigh for an afternoon Coke and conversations? Craigslist. At least that is what I decided to try. So about a year ago I wrote up an ad inviting potential church planters to contact me about beginning new churches in that area. Somehow I don't even think the process worked enough for it to get posted. If it did, it never worked because no one contacted me. So the idea continued to simmer this past year until a week ago, July 27, when I decided to post the ad I had written. Read it over again