
Showing posts from February, 2005
"There is something compelling, powerful and liberating about living life in harmony with God, not in the isolation of an individual relationship but as part of a community that includes those around us, those far from us, those who came before us, and those who will come after us. At the center of this holistic, communal approach to spiritual formation is the creation of Christian communities that are a continuation of the story of God, from Abraham to Jesus to today." (Reimagining Spiritual Formation, Doug Pagitt and the Solomon's Porch Community, page 29) In the last few days I have experienced this "community" again as I have reconnected with an old friend. And in reconnecting with him I have remembered his parents who ministered to me at a time in life when I really needed a place to go to feel safe and cared for (which of course I always do!). This friend who I knew when he was little grew up and we worked together as the Church in touching the lives of y