
Showing posts from May, 2011

Don't Miss The God Voice

This morning I was reading some more of Max Lucado's book,  "Outlive Your Life."  There was a little bit about  microfinance , where regular people like me can give a few bucks so that people in other countries can borrow it and help their families by owning their own business. Then they pay it back and someone else gets the money. Pretty cool really. My gift keeps getting recycled to help families climb up at least some as they help their families and the community around them.  So many times I miss opportunities like this by just "moving on" to other thoughts. Not today. Helped some guy in Kenya, one of the next door countries to where Rosie will be in Tanzania in the Peace Corps. I easily could have talked myself into waiting until she gets to Tanzania and seeing what help may be needed in her village. But there is nothing to stop me from doing that then.  But this is now. Joseph Kimeto will also be able to send his children to school and purchase the mater

Holding Onto Joy

An overcast day may try to cast shadows on my joy in Jesus.  Even when the weather and recent circumstances try to steal my joy, I understand that it can never be stolen.  I can give it away, I can forget it for a time, but nobody can steal it.  I am responsible to cling to Christ and to hold on with dear life to His joy.  Laughter may elude me, smiles may not come as often for a time, but the joy of the Lord is my strength and I will not relinqui sh it.