While at a web site, I read of a church that was all ready to move forward for God when division struck. One staff person is going to lose his job. I responded in this way. Perhaps these words might encourage you also in whatever is happening to you or to someone you know today.

"I pray for you that you will know how much God loves you and cares for you. I pray that God's Holy Spirit will reveal to you how you can grow closer through this experience. I pray that the others in the church and community who will walk away will not walk away from God. And I pray that God will grant a special drawing power to another church in your community to help pick up the pieces of those who are left stranded.

As Hurricane Isabel is expected to make a direct hit and not a sidewise swipe, so you have taken a direct hit. God will see you through the eye of the storm and as it passes will show you others to help whose lives are split apart.

Like too many others, I have been where you are. I was angry and God handled that well. Be honest with God. Trust God to keep you even when you don't know what's going to happen next. I went through college and seminary and much on the job training and yet have found myselves at times working at RadioShack and later at Walmart. Yet God continued faithful and I learned things, even technically, that I wouldn't have otherwise.

But you are "in it" now so these "future" thoughts are far from you. God will take you through today to a tomorrow you could have never imagined. Satan thinks he has won the day...but God and you know better! God is our sustainer, provider, and loves you more than you could ever have dreamed. Now you will discover that again in new ways."
