Well, here it is again...September 11. But it's two years later and hopefully no planes will crash into buildings. Still, the world has changed for us. As I was reading my Bible this morning, I read Psalm 34:4. "I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears."

The "commentary" and a prayer in The Praise and Worship Study Bible seemed especially relevant on this day so I pass it on to you.

People often try to rid themselves of fear by trusting solely in human efforts to keep them safe from harm. Ultimately, however, we humans are limited in our abilities and cannot protect ourselves from every danger. Only God can truly free us from fear, because he is the only one who is all-powerful and able to deal with any threat. The Lord is always watching over us and has already secured our eternal well-being, so we can depend on God and receive true peace. Let us cast all our cares on the Lord and praise him that he frees us from fear.

MIGHTY LORD, you are our help and our salvation. We confess that we often rely solely upon human ability for help, and we ask for your forgiveness. Teach us to humble ourselves and depend on you, for only you can deliver us. Amen.
