So why would I think I would like this show? Well, to begin with I have a confession to make to you. I have liked time travel stories since childhood. I don't know why, but the idea of traveling back through time has intrigued me for years. And yes, I did like "Quantum Leap" and catch it in reruns when I can.
"Journeyman" is good not only because of the time travel but because of the relationships in the show. There is Dan the Journeyman's relationship with his brother. Some usual strains between brothers but also strained by something else...Dan married his brother's girlfriend. Yeah his brother, a police officer by the way, and the brother's girlfriend where already broken up but still, this was a recipe for a strained relationship between siblings. But there is more. Dan had been engaged when his fiance died in a plane crash. But did she really die? Ah, the plot thickens.
Now the Journeyman, who is a reporter by the way, is married and has a young son. Dan has no control of when he is swept back to the past. But when he goes there (and then returns and goes back various times) he ultimately doesn't get to stay back in the present until he has helped someone in need of help. (Quantum Leap but Dan gets to keep his own body.)
Anyway, I enjoy the show. It is a good diversion and gives me interesting insights into relationships, friendships, marriage, family life...and time travel of course.
I even started a Facebook group today called "Journey with the Journeyman"...hey, I had to call it something. If you watch the show, do Facebook, and want to add your insights, just join the group. Traveling through time a moment at a time.
And if you have high speed internet and want to see what I have been talking out, check it out at :