Wondering today...

Wondering today, just wondering not worrying.

I will still be able to buy food, gas, clothes, pay the mortgage payment, give money to the church and others. I may still face health or job issues along the way as does happen in life. Friends will laugh at my jokes, or wish I would get a sense of humor. Strangers will pass me by and not even see me, as I them too many times. Others will not have the same opportunities as I do because of their own choices or many of them because of no fault of their own but where they were born and the family they were born into. Sharing love with others will be just as difficult as ever but still necessary regardless of someone's life experiences, passions, or personality. 

The world has not ended. My failures are still the ones to be confessed instead of looking to blame someone else. My selfishness still keeps someone else from eating today or having a place to live.

My smile can still light upon an unsuspecting person and brighten their day even if just for a moment. My looking up from the text or email received can still let the one I am with at the moment know that they are most important in that moment instead of the one "out there" who can surely wait for a response.

I wonder if just for today I could concentrate on the good, on loving others, on reaching and helping and serving, and in so doing make a difference for one. That one would be me for sure and perhaps, just perhaps, there would be another one or two or more whose lives would see hope instead of despair.  

Wondering today, just wondering not worrying.
