This week I'm on vacation with my family. So far it has been reasonably relaxing with lots of sleeping in...watching videos, The Price Is Right, and The Bachelorette...eating a bunch, and playing some board games along the way.

Tonight we went to Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre. Instead of eating there we went to Sonic and I enjoyed chili and cheese fries and a chili and cheese hot dog (a big one). Then we went to see "Singin' In The Rain." It was definitely well done. Very talented actors/singers/dancers. It took a little while to get used to having different actors than the movie version...but after awhile I just enjoyed the people who were in this version and went with the flow.

Afterwards? It was back to Sonic for a strawberry shake for me and a variety of other sweets for the rest of my family.

It has been a good vacation. Tommorrow it is supposed to hit 90 degrees and we are headed for Hershey Park. Roller coasters, the wave pool, and assorted other activities.

I am so glad for this time with my family. My wife, daughters, and I are talking, laughing, and enjoying life together. Busyness will come upon us again soon enough...but for this week it is nice being together and enjoying each other.
