Yesterday I took the day off and ended up watching two back to back movies in the morning. The first was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was fun to watch Indiana again and see him in a new "old" place with an old friend who betrays him and a new sidekick who ends up being his son. Good movie, fun to watch, and an interesting look at running into an old flame again after many years and discovering that the two of you had a child together that you knew nothing about. Ah, the surprises of life!

This Indiana Jones had the 1950's communist menace as the foes as opposed to his earlier movies when he fought the Nazis. The second movie I watched had the Nazis as the foe. This movie was "Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace."

Quite a bit different kind of movie in many ways. Bonhoeffer was a pastor in Germany who early in the movie is in the United States in 1939 and has the opportunity to stay there. But he chooses to go back to Germany and be with his people. Early in the movie he talks about Gandhi and how he would like to learn more about his non-violent ways.

As the movie progresses he comes up against the evil of Hitler and his Third Reich. He is asked to become a part of the group within Germany that wants to take Hitler out...permanently. The movie shows Bonhoeffer's struggle with the teachings of Jesus in the middle of an evil world. Lots to think about.

There is a lot from this movie to grind through the mind when looking at our wars of today. Pacifism, "just war" theory/doctrine, and other ideas are relatively easy to discuss from a safe place. Many times, however, the world is not a safe place. But as Bonhoeffer is advised (in my loose translation), it is important not to lose your soul while you are saving the world.
