OK, I confess...I have enjoyed watching the political conventions the past two weeks. Yes, I said "conventions," both of them. Somehow as I am aging I am able to look for hope and ideas and look for the best in people even in two different political parties.

I have discovered several "news" channels and seen just how much they report based on the "leaning" of the channel politically. (Nice way of saying they are biased and report accordingly.)

It is hard for all of us to look at an event, a speech, a conversation and not see it from our own biased viewpoint. Did I say hard for us? I mean it is impossible.

Still isn't it OK to have enjoyed Hilary Clinton speaking one week and Sarah Palin the next? Am I off-base because I could enjoy Barak Obama one week and then Joe Lieberman the following week?

I used to feel that if a certain candidate didn't win that the country would be in big trouble. Now I still care and will vote in the election, but I know that whoever wins, life will go on. Yes, it matters but more importantly I need to focus more on sharing Jesus, relating faith to life.

I still enjoy political conventions and "iffy" news coverage. But what is more important is the personal stories of those involved there...and the personal stories of people I meet from day to day. I need to spend more time listening to others and give them the benefit of the doubt. It would be good if I could cheer people on and help them in anyway I can.
