It's the beginning of a new school year. My wife, Diane, who is the head cook at a middle school, and our youngest daughter, Emily, who is a high school sophomore this year, headed off to school this morning...bright and early. Ah, new beginnings...a fresh start...a brand new day!

Who knows what will lie ahead for them this year...or for me for that matter. But summer is coming to an end and it is time for a new season of life. This weekend our oldest daughter, Rosie, will head for college for her second year.

Meanwhile it is time for studies, work, dramas, and more. For getting up early again, which allows for the possibility for an occasional nap.

So venture on all of you students, parents, and school staffers out's time for a new year of friendship, study, and school lunches. (And did I mention the chance for a nap after getting everyone off to school?)
